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Insert Text in Word 2010
In this chapter, we will discuss how to insert text in Word 2010. Many times it is required to go back and insert additional text in an existing line. Microsoft Word provides two ways to insert text in existing text and we will show how to use both the methods of inserting text −
Insert and Add Text
First we will see how inserted text will be added into the existing content without replacing any existing content.
Step 1 − Click the location where you wish to insert text; you can also use the keyboard arrows to locate the place where the text needs to be inserted.

Step 2 − Start typing the text that needs to be inserted. Word inserts the text to the left of the insertion point, moving the existing text to the right

Insert and Replace Text
In the Insertion mode, text will be added into the existing content but same time it will over write all the content which comes in its way.
Step 1 − Right-click the status bar and select the Overtype option from the displayed menu.

When you select the Overtype option, the status bar will show the insert mode as shown below −

Step 2 − Click on the Insert text available at the status bar and it will switch to the Overtype mode as shown below −

Step 3 − Now click the location where the text needs to be inserted or you can use the keyboard arrows to locate the place where the text needs to be inserted.

Step 4 − Start typing the text that needs to be inserted. Word will replace the existing text with the newly typed text without moving the position of the exiting test.

Note − Microsoft Word 2010 disabled the functionality of the Insert key and it does nothing, so you will have to follow-up with the above mentioned procedure to turn-on or turn-off the Insert mode.