SAP IDT Online Quiz

Following quiz provides Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to SAP IDT. You will have to read all the given answers and click over the correct answer. If you are not sure about the answer then you can check the answer using Show Answer button. You can use Next Quiz button to check new set of questions in the quiz.

Questions and Answers

Q 1 - Which of the following allows you to create a data model as multisource enabled that extracts data from one or more data sources using multiple connections?




D - Explorer

Answer : A


IDT is multi source enabled means you can extract the data from different data sources while creating a Universe.

Q 2 - You want to create a Relational connection in IDT that points to SAP HANA database, which of the following database middleware drivers you should select?


B - MaxDB 7.7

C - SAP HANA database 1.0

D - mySAP ERP 2004

Answer : C

Q 3 - While defining a connection in IDT, which of the following is not an option under connection parameters?

A - Pool time Out

B - Array fetch size

C - Array Bind size

D - Login Timeout

E - Authentication Mode

Answer : E


You can define connection parameters like - Time out, Array fetch size, Array Bind size, etc.

Q 4 - Which of the following can be used to improve the query performance and query generator retrieves the data from table with highest aggregation level?

A - Context

B - Aggregate Awareness

C - Alias

D - Derived table

Answer : B


Using aggregate awareness, you can use pre-aggregated data in tables in the database. It is used to improve query performance by processing less number of rows.

When you add an aggregate aware object in query, query generator retrieves the data from table with highest aggregation level.

Q 5 - In which of the following Data warehousing scenario’s, a fan trap normally doesn’t occur?

A - DW based on Kimball model with direct join on fact tables

B - DW based on Inmom model with data marts design

C - Both of these

D - None of these

Answer : B

Q 6 - In which of the component view, components are arranged in alphabetical order and are not grouped based on the category?

A - Category

B - List

C - View

D - None of these

Answer : B


In list view, components are arranged in alphabetical order and they are not grouped based on the category.

Q 7 - Bar and Column charts are used to compare one or more items over specific period of time. Bar and column charts are same and only difference is orientation?

A - True

B - False

Answer : A

Q 8 - Which of the following text component type allows you to add comments-explanation, help in a Dashboard?

A - Label

B - Input text

C - Map

D - None

Answer : B


Label component allows you to add comments - explanation, help, etc.

Q 9 - To configure a query as a Web Service, which of the following option should be used?

A - Data Manager

B - Export Settings

C - Preferences

D - Import Wizard

Answer : A

Q 10 - Consider Reporting and Dashboard tools, Web Intelligence and Crystal Reports can hold huge data, but Dashboard can’t hold bulk data as at runtime it shows the performance?

A - True

B - False

Answer : A


Dashboard holds some buffered data. The advantage of this feature is to avoid unnecessary hits to the server but sloe performance if data size is large
