This Complete Bash Shell Scripting course will teach you how to automate monotonous operations using bash shell scripting.
Since they are typically open source, Linux and Unix operating systems are becoming more and more popular among businesses. Also, developers would be in higher demand if they acquired Linux and Unix expertise.
In order to prepare you as a complete developer expert in Linux Unix OS, this course includes both command line commands and Bash shell scripting.
Enrolling in this course will help me learn how to write shell scripts at all levels, from beginner to expert. You will also learn about the shebang line and its role in every shell script. You will also learn other crucial concepts, such as:
Creating and utilizing variables
Testing and Decision Making
Command line arguments
Input and output
Conditional Statements
Exit status
filters like grep, awk, cut, and sed
Case statements
Debugging tips
Bash Shell Options
Working with remote servers
Practice on each topic
Automation Engineers from Basic to Higher Levels using Bash Shell Scripting
Beginners getting started with programming
Developers, Scientists, Network Engineers, and System Administrators
Anyone who uses Linux/Unix operating system.
Concepts related to shell scripting will be clear to students.
Awk, cut, and sed, among other Unix filters, will be understandable to students.
This course is beneficial for automating repetitive operations in several administrative fields, such as Linux administration, middleware administration, database administration, DevOps administration, and AWS administration.
This course may help you write shell scripts at any level, from beginner to expert.
Need minimum knowledge of Unix/Linux Commands
Desire to learn shell scripting
Any Unix-Like OS running on Physical Machine or Virtual Machine or Virtual Machine from Any Cloud Provider
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